Suyang Wire Rope

Suyang Wire Rope

Suyang  Ropes

Since our founding as a wire rope manufacturer in 2000, we have put quality first.In addition, our management philosophy has been to manufacture wire rope chosen by customers.As a wire rope professional, we are providing a new perspective on wire rope, and have increased customer sales and reduced costs.

Wire ropes are required to have different characteristics depending on the application,and you have to use an optimally configured wire rope.There is no wire rope that excels in all performances, for example, if the breaking load is increased too much, the service life will be shortened.


Ropes characteristics


torsional characteristic determined by test or calculation the value of which is usually expressed in newton metres at a stated tensile loading when both rope ends are prevented from rotating.


rotational characteristic determined by test or calculation the value of which is usually expressed in degrees or turns per unit length at a stated tensile loading and determined by test when one end of the rope is free to rotate.

fully preformed rope

rope in which the wires in the strands and strands in the rope have their internal stresses reduced, resulting, after removal of any serving, in a rope formation out of which the wires and the strands will not spring.